| WEBINAR Sep 25 Wed 2PM PST | Criteria and Metrics for LLM Evaluation
Paid Dataset

Enhance Your AI
With Us

Purchase with a click and use is as you wish. Strengthen your project with Datumo’s data.

Human whole body image dataset

Collection and labeling of image data to train object detection algorithm Total of 160,000 images, 20 whole body images of 8,000 individuals.

5 photos each taken per front/back/left/right of individual, with same outfit and background.

Quick & Easy AI Upgrade

We share 10 high-quality open datasets for FREE

Free image quality ratio composition setting
When collecting images, you can set the arrangement and behavior of the subjects, as well as the image quality and proportions to your liking.
Perfect information security
We review whether personal information is exposed and related rights are infringed for all collected images. We protect all sensitive information such as faces, contact information, and receipts.
AI-assisted data inspection
We filter similar data by analyzing the feature vectors of collected data. By collecting various data, we increase the coverage of the training data.
Collection of metadata
We collect metadata such as location, time, weather, and user information at the time of data collection with the worker's consent.
Make an effort to change the world

We will find the perfect data for your AI needs

DATUMO connects companies with crowdsourced workers to alleviate inefficiencies and information distortion between data-demanding businesses and labor suppliers. Through constant technological investment and accumulated expertise, we implement an advanced crowdsourcing platform.






Processed Data


Crowd Workers