Dataset Store
Full body portrait dataset
Full body portrait dataset (5 images per front/back/left/right side, 20 images per person)
Collecting and labeling of portrait datasets to train AI
Collection of image data to train AI with same-person detection algorithm
Image data for
same-person detection
Data collection and labeling were completed using the mobile version of Datumo’s crowd-sourcing platform, Cash Mission, in 2021.
Dataset specification
- 20 image files per object(person), minimum of 30*60pxl
- 8,000 persons*20 images (=160,000 image data)
- Unstructured (JPG or PNG)
- Size: 0MB~1TB
Process of annotation
*Person in different outfit is considered as different person
Data Collection
Cash Mission’s users(crowd-workers) participated in data collection and labeling by taking full body portrait photos according to categories such as [Standing upright-front/left/right/back] & [Walking-front/left/right/back].
1) There are five postures- [1Standing upright] and [4Walking].
2) The aspect ratio is [9:16]
3) Outfits and backgrounds for each set(20 images) are identical.
4) Each person(object) is wearing clothes(top&bottom or a dress) and shoes.
5) All faces have been blurred for privacy.
Portion of data were collected and labeled using Cash Mission, Datumo's crowd-sourcing platform.
Sample Data
- Person detection
- Same-person detection
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All pictures cannot be copied without permission.